Feb 2, 2010

Lost: It's About Redemption

The long wait is over. 

I know I need to explain why this is my favorite show (actually, its the only show I watch right now), but for now, a video to celebrate the beginning of Season 6. 

This is my favorite promo commercial.  While some think Lost is about science fiction, its actually a show about redemption.  How the writers will ultimately handle the issues of redemption in the story remains to be seen, but from an increasingly dark and frustrated culture, the theme is definitely one that we all need to seriously explore.



Anonymous said...

I see!

SDS said...

Hello there :)

I must apologise - I have stumbled across your blog and haven't had time to read it properly yet. As you can see however, I have mentioned it on my blog as a Lost blog to check out - I like the look of this place:


My blog has a ton of Lost stuff on it, but also other stuff relating to comics, boxing, DVDs, etc the usual stuff.

I thought you might like to check it out, and I'll be checking out your blog too, and maybe we can advertise each others blogs or whatever.

I am doing a project just now called the Lost Blogging Collective:


Whereby each week I email a group of Lost bloggers (around 12 at the moment) 2 questions about Lost, and we all answer them to see how the fandom/blogosphere/*insert random buzzword* opinion is between us.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, I am always available at lostquestions23@gmail.com and interested in any kind of project or collaboration - I just love communicating with people in general :D

Finally, I have a competition to win a free Lost t-shirt. It's very easy to enter - just pick what t-shirt design you like, and a random person wins that t-shirt!! The comp ends on Friday though, so be quick if you are interested:


Okay, I feel I have taken up enough of your time now so I will leave it at that :) as soon as I get a spare few hours I will dedicate more time to reading your blog :)

Hope to hear from you soon!

- Chris
- lostquestions23@gmail.com
- superduperstream.blogspot.com